Potassium alum chemical supplier's in Tamilnadu, Coimbatore Shree vissnu Scientific company.
Potassium alum chemical supplier's in Tamilnadu, Coimbatore Shree vissnu Scientific company. Potassium alum chemical supplier's in Tamilnadu, Coimbatore Shree vissnu Scientific company. Potassium alum is commonly used in water purification, leather tanning, dyeing, fireproof textiles, and baking powder as E number E522. It also has cosmetic uses as a deodorant, as an aftershave treatment and as a styptic for minor bleeding from shaving. Alum Safety Depends on Multiple Factors. Any form of aluminum sulfate could be called "alum, " including toxic versions of the chemical. Alum may be used to soak some pickles, but it is no longer used in the final pickling solution. Alum in deodorant may be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream.- An alum block sold as an astringent in pharmacies in India Potassium alum is used in medicine mainly as an astringent (or styptic) and antiseptic. Styptic pencils are rods composed of potassium alum or aluminum sulfate, used topically to reduce bleeding in minor cuts (especially from shaving) and abrasions, nosebleeds, and hemorrhoids, and to relieve pain from stings and bites.[citation needed] Potassium alum blocks were rubbed over the wet skin after shaving.[citation needed] Potassium alum was also used topically to remove pimples and acne, and to cauterize aphthous ulcers in the mouth and canker sores, as it has a significant drying effect to the area and reduces the irritation felt at the site.[citation needed]. It has been used to stop bleeding in cases of hemorrhagic cystitis.[34] and is used in some countries as a cure for hyperhidrosis.[citation needed] It is used in dentistry (especially in gingival retraction cords) because of its astringent and hemostatic properties. Alum is an ingredient in some recipes for homemade modeling compounds intended for use by children. These are often called "play clay" or "play dough" for their similarity to "Play-Doh".[citation needed] Potassium alum was formerly used as a hardener for photographic emulsions (films and papers), usually as part of the fixer. It has now been replaced in that use by other chemicals.