Hemoglobinometer suppliers in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu Shree Vissnu Scientific company .




Hemoglobinometer suppliers in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu Shree Vissnu Scientific company . Hemoglobinometer Clinical Pharmact and Medical College Labs etc. The standard set up consists colour comparator of square HB tube, HB Pipette 20ul Silicon tube with mouth piece, Cleaning Brush, Glass Dropper with rubber teat, Acid Bottle completed Backed in Thermocol Box. It is black in colour. The back of the holder is fitted with milky colour screen made of acrylic. In front of the holder there are three windows. The two side windows are fitted with colour standard strips and middle window is meant for the square tube for colour comparison. The size of all the three windows are Height 3 cms. and Width 0.5 cms. (Minimum) Square H.B. Tube: 2 Nos. (Square H.B. Tube is graduated on both the side for the measurement of haemoglobin in respect of percentage and gram.) H.B. Pipette: 1 No. (20 microlitre H.B. Pipette with latex tube and mouth piece.) Amber coloured glass bottle -1 No. Glass Stirrer -1 No. Dropper with teat -1 No. Cleaning Brush -1 No. Spare latex tubing one meter -1 No

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