Anise oil supplier's in Tamilnadu, coimbatore, Shree Vissnu Scientific company.
Anise oil supplier's in Tamilnadu, coimbatore, Shree Vissnu Scientific company. Anise essential oil is derived from the perennial herbal plant anise or aniseed (Pimpinella anisum). Although anise originated from Asia, it is prevalent in Mediterranean nations. Today, it is produced in Spain, France and Russia, but also grows in the wild in other countries. It was the Romans who introduced anise to Europe, while early settlers brought it to North America. One of its primary uses was to promote digestive health. In ancient Rome, anise was often added (together with cumin and fennel) to a cake that was eaten after meals, while the Egyptians used the herb as an ingredient in breads. Anise is often confused with fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) because both plants come from the Apiaceae family and have a similar taste.2 Anise is also confused with another herb called Chinese star anise (Illicium verum), which is widely used in Asian countries and used to make the drug Tamiflu. There is a wide range of uses for anise oil – from cooking to flavorings to medications. These uses include:3, 4 Uses of Anise Oil Narcotic and sedative — Can help ease epileptic and hysteric episodes Pain reliever — Provides relief for arthritic pain Antiseptic — Used to clean wounds and help protect against infections Decongestant/expectorant — Helps eliminate congestion in the respiratory tract Flavoring agent — Used as a flavoring agent for food and beverages and an ingredient for salads and soups Food processing — Anise and anise oils are used in processed meats like pepperoni, pizza toppings, Italian sausage and similar food products Breast milk production — Has phytoestrogenic properties Libido enhancer — Used in ancient times as a sex driver enhancer and as an aphrodisiac Natural head lice remover — Like coconut oil, anise oil is a safer alternative to chemical lice treatments Insecticide — The oil is toxic to insects For oral health — Added to toothpastes, mouthwashes and syrups Fragrance — Added to soaps, detergents, lotions and skin creams The composition of anise essential oil varies depending on where it is produced. However, in general, the oil has about 80 to 90 percent anethol, which is responsible for its odor as well as some of its beneficial properties.5 Anethol's structure is similar to the catecholamines adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and dopamine. Other chemical components found in anise oil are estragol (makes up about 10 to 15 percent), eugenol p-eresol: propionic, butyric, myristic and anisic alcohol.