Acriflavine chemical supplier's in Tamilnadu, coimbatore, Shre Vissnu Scientific company.




Acriflavine chemical supplier's in Tamilnadu, coimbatore, Shre Vissnu Scientific company. Acriflavine Chemical formula‎: ‎C14H14ClN3 Molar mass‎: ‎259.74 g·mol− ATC code‎: ‎R02AA13‎ (WHO) ‎QG01AC90‎ (WHO) EC Number‎: ‎201-668-8 other uses. Acriflavine is used in biochemistry for fluorescently labeling high molecular weight RNA. It is used as treatment for external fungal infections of aquarium fish. Acriflavine can be used as a bath or dip, or it can be added to the aquarium water to treat the entire tank. However, caution should be used in treating an entire tank, as it will stain artificial plants and decorations in the tank. To avoid staining, remove those items before treatment. Acriflavine will severely damage live plants and is therefore not recommended for use in live planted tanks. Instead, treatment should be carried out in a separate hospital tank, or if that is not possible, the live plants should be removed before treatment is begun. Carbon and similar products will remove acriflavine from the water, and must be discontinued when acriflavine is used. An acid pH (below 7.0) will inhibit the efficacy of acriflavine. Wait for at least thirty minutes after using API Stress Coat, Kordon Novaqua, Kordon Amquel, Jungle Start Right, SeaChem Prime, and other Redox Reducing water products. Ammonia absorbing or phosphate absorbing products, as well as Methylene Blue and antibiotics, will not impact the efficacy of acriflavine and can be safely used together with Acriflavine. Do not use Acriflavine with shrimp, crabs, or other crustaceans

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