Sodium dithionite can also be used for water treatment, aquarium water conditioners, gas purification, cleaning, and stripping.In addition to the textile industry, this compound is used in industries concerned with leather, foods, polymers, photography, and many others, often as a decolourising agent. It is even used domestically as a decoloring agent for white laundry, when it has been accidentally stained by way of a dyed item slipping into the high temperature washing cycle. It is usually available in 5 gram sachets termed hydrosulfite after the antiquated name of the salt. It is the active ingredient in "Iron Out Rust Stain Remover", a commercial rust product.[9] Laboratory Sodium dithionite is often used in physiology experiments as a means of lowering solutions' redox potential (Eo' -0.66 V vs SHE at pH 7).[10] Potassium ferricyanide is usually used as an oxidizing chemical in such experiments (Eo' ~ .436 V at pH 7). In addition, sodium dithionite is often used in soil chemistry experiments to determine the amount of iron that is not incorporated in primary silicate minerals. Hence, iron extracted by sodium dithionite is also referred to as "free iron." Aqueous solutions of sodium dithionite were once used to produce 'Fieser's solution' for the removal of oxygen from a gas stream.[11] Pyrithione can be prepared in a two-step synthesis from 2-bromopyridine by oxidation to the N-oxide with a suitable peracid followed by substitution using sodium dithionite to introduce the thiol functional group
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