In chemistry, iron(II) refers to the element iron in its +2 oxidation state. The adjective ferrous or the prefix ferro- is often used to specify such compounds, as in ferrous chloride for iron(II) chloride (FeCl2). The adjective ferric is used instead for iron(III) salts, containing the cation Fe3+. The word ferrous is derived from the Latin word ferrum, meaning "iron". In ionic compounds (salts), such an atom may occur as a separate cation (positive ion) abbreviated as Fe2+, although more precise descriptions include other ligands such as water and halides. Iron(II) centres occur in coordination complexes, such as in the anion ferrocyanide, [Fe(CN)6]4−, where six cyanide ligands are bound the metal centre; or, in organometallic compounds, such as the ferrocene [Fe(C2H5)2], where two cyclopentadienyl anions are bound to the FeII centre. Ferrous ions in biology Main article: Iron metabolism All known forms of life require iron.[1] Many proteins in living beings contain iron(III) centers. Examples of such metalloproteins include hemoglobin, ferredoxin, and the cytochromes. In many of these proteins, Fe(II) converts reversibly to Fe(III).[2] Insufficient iron in the human diet causes anemia. Animals and humans can obtain the necessary iron from foods that contain it in assimilable form, such as meat. Other organisms must obtain their iron from the environment. However, iron tends to form highly insoluble iron(III) oxides/hydroxides in aerobic (oxygenated) environment, especially in calcareous soils. Bacteria and grasses can thrive in such environments by secreting compounds called siderophores that form soluble complexes with iron(III), that can be reabsorbed into the cell. (The other plants instead encourage the growth around their roots of certain bacteria that reduce iron(III) to the more soluble iron(II).)[3]
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